Art Commission Info

Terms of Service

  • I have the right to refuse any commission.
  • I will not start anything until I receive payment.
  • I will send many WIPs (Work In Progress') throughout the process, during this you can ask for any and as many changes as you would like, particularly during the sketch phase. After i have completed the sketch and finished the lineart/flatcolour, you will not be able to request any changes to pose, expression, or anything else that would mean ill have to change that. If you really want to change something at this stage, i will require a fee to cover the extra work to change that.
  • After the drawing is complete, i will not accept changes unless a fee is paid to cover the extra work.
  • Any art you receive is NOT to be used for commercial use, personal use only. If you would like to use art you have received from me commercially, please contact me to work out costs.
  • If you commission a sketch, you are NOT permitted to take this to another artist to finish.


  • Feral characters
  • Anthro characters
  • Complex characters


  • NSFW
  • Mech characters
  • Any form of hate ideology (Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, etc)

All my artwork is posted under the username "Lynxwuff" and all artwork is watermarked with this username too!


 Sketch (uncoloured):£5


Sketch (coloured): £7


Flatcolour: £10


Shaded: £15


Sketch (uncoloured): £10


Sketch (coloured): £13


Flatcolour: £15


Shaded: £20


Sketch (uncoloured): £25

Sketch (coloured): £27

Flatcolour: £35

Shaded: £45


Starting price: £80+


Things that effect the price: Additional characters, amount of background detail, amount of characters shown

Reference sheets


3 sided: £60+

2 sided: £50

+£5 per side detail (close ups, hobbies, outfits, items)


The character will be drawn off of a 'base' that I have predrawn and will be edited to fit your characters species and unique features, expressions can be changed




+£5 per side detail


The character will be drawn from scratch, youll get to pick a pose and expression (A side detail chibi back and front of the character is included in the base price, so if your pose doesnt show all the characters markings that is fine!)


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